Saturday, June 27, 2009

Freebie Cut File - Week #8

Hey all! This week's cut file is inspired by the edge punches by Martha. I've really wanted at least one or two of them since they first came out...but there's no way I feel I can justify spending $15 on one punch. Aaahh, the life of a cheapskate!

So, since I'm still too cheap, I decided I would try to make my own. It's not quite as elegant as hers, but I thought it was kind of fun and pretty versatile. I made it as a .svg so I could resize it as needed and put two together and weld them if need be as well. You could also make it into an entire card by just adding another rectangle to make the card the size you need. Well, there it is, $15 saved!

And for those who are curious, the pear came from the free font Harold's Pips. It's a really cute little font with other things like cherries, an anchor, a cute butterfly, umbrella, etc.

The cut file for today:

P.S. Thanks for the sweet comments left last time! I keep thinking that it's too bad I don't live next door to some of the people I've met through the would be so fun to be better acquainted with you! (Not to mention the fun I could have with someone else who liked this kind of stuff and lived close!) Have a great weekend!!!

9 Comments from you:

MikesDork said...

I am right there with you on the cheapskate thing! I just use my moms... she buys EVERYTHING! Anyhow... thanks for the cute file... once again you did great!

celestemlombas said...

I am glad you and your family are feeling better.
Thank you for sharing.

cal8007 said...

Thank you Melinda,

This border will get lots of use!!


Anonymous said...

love the border!! thanks for saving me $15!!! thanks for sharing!!

Crafty Sue said...

Melinda, You are a girl after my own heart, love border punches. This is a winner! Keep it up. I also love that guitar file you posted before on Cricut MB.

Anonymous said...

I can't stop whining because I don't have that punch now!!!!

thank you so much for sharing that pattern with us!!!


Jilly Bean said...

Oh-that pear is CUTE! And I love the pink paisley you did it in. Love it! Maybe you could change the sentiment to "To my favorite pear-shaped figured friend" and send it to me!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog on the Craft Edge forum. I love all of your stuff, from the cards to the vinyl to the recipes! I added you to my list of favorite blogs.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog on the craft edge forum. You are so talented! I don't know how you have the time with the kids. I have 3, and dont ever seem to have enough time! Thanks for sharing. I think I will try the FHE chart as soon as I get my hands on some wood! Keep up the good work!