
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Donk-Donk-Donk-ey Kong!

One of these days, I am going to get caught up in posting my projects...this cake is from May. I have a few boys that love Nintendo and Donkey Kong is one of their favorite characters, so I made this cake for my 5 year old. Notice in the background that I also needed to make some SpongeBob cake pops. He couldn't decide between the two.
This cake was SO easy! Slap on some yellow frosting, spread ganache over the top (YUM!), use a leaf tip to make the bottom border and put some leaves under Donkey Kong, add enough bananas to stick candles in, and use a flat tip to write the name in orange and then a round tip to go around the outside. Done!

I've also got other projects that I can't take pics of because I don't have batteries anymore for the camera! Aaargh. And Halloween's right around the corner. I've actually got a cut file or two waiting to be cut (can you believe's been forever since I've made any boxes!). Hope you can use another cut file!